EBF Meetings

Privacy Policy


At EBF VZW we consider the privacy and security of your details to be very important. After all, nobody likes to have his or her personal details thrown out for grabs just like that. Therefore, please read this privacy and cookie policy carefully, because this document contains essential information about the how and why of processing your personal data and the use of cookies.

You are entirely free to inform EBF VZW of your personal details or not, but understand that certain services cannot be carried out if you do not fill in your personal details on the registration, contact or order form or refuse to allow them to be processed.

2. Legislation and Responsibility

EBF VZW, with its registered office at MAASTRICHTERSTRAAT 254/3 registered under the number BE 0475.081.650 (hereinafter ” EBF VZW β€œ), complies with the β€œLaw of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data”, as well as the anti-spam provisions from Book XII of the Economic Law Code concerning the β€œlaw of the electronic economy”.

By means of this privacy and cookie policy, EBF VZW also complies with European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data.

You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data you communicate to EBF VZW

EBF VZW is responsible for the processing of your personal data on this website.

3. Acceptance

– By visiting our website and at the latest at the moment of your order, you accept all provisions of this privacy and cookie policy and you agree that EBF VZW collects and processes your personal data in accordance with this privacy and cookie policy.

Personal data that is collected

– EBF VZW may collect information from you (Personal Data) in various ways:

automatically (whether or not through the use of cookies)
during your registration and use of this website

– Data collected automatically:

– Through use of cookies: certain data is

collected through the use of cookies.

– Certain data may also be collected

without being stored in cookies. They can only be read by EBF VZW and exclusively during your visit to our website. This concerns:

– the TCP/IP address

– the type and version of your navigation system

– the last visited internet page.

– The information that you provide to us during your registration and

the use of the Website, where applicable:

– In the subscription form for our newsletter on our


– In the contact form on our website.

– In the order form on our web shop.

Purposes of processing.

General purposes

Your personal data is collected in order to:

– Provide you with the service offered on our website, if applicable;

– The delivery and invoicing of the products you have ordered

– Conducting market research to improve the technical and content quality of our website;

– Providing information, sending emails with different offers that might interest you;

– Managing the technical administration of our website;

– After rendering the data anonymous, compiling statistics or conducting surveys

to compile or carry out surveys relating to the number of visits to the various sections of our website.

Direct marketing

Your personal data will only be used for direct marketing purposes to the extent that you have given additional express consent (β€œopt-in”).

This consent may be withdrawn at any time, without justification and free of charge, for example by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose at the bottom of each promotional e-mail or by sending an e-mail to info@europeanbioanalysisforum.eu

Communication and transmission to third parties

– Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will under no circumstances be disclosed to third parties, except with your prior consent.

– In order to be able to process your personal details, EBF VZW grants access to your personal details to our employees. We guarantee a similar level of protection by providing contractual obligations to these employees and appointees, which are similar to this privacy and cookie policy.

– In the event of a complete or partial reorganisation or transfer of activities of EBF VZW whereby it company activities is reorganised, transferred, discontinued or if EBF VZW goes bankrupt, this may mean that your details are transferred to new entities or third parties through which the company activities of EBF VZW are wholly or partially carried out.

– EBF VZW will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of the fact EBF VZW is disclosing your data to said third party, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible in all circumstances.

Legal requirements

– Upon request, your data may be provided to the competent authorities (Police and Justice) in the event of serious violations of the law. In rare cases, EBF VZW may have to disclose your Personal Data as a result of a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. EBF VZW will make every reasonable effort to inform you of this in advance, unless this is subject to legal restrictions.

Duration of data maintenance
We will retain and process all personal data for the period required in accordance with the purposes of the processing and in accordance with the contractual relationship between EBF VZW and you.
If you have not had a contractual relationship with EBF VZW for 5 years, your client profile will be automatically deleted.
Your rights

– Right of access and inspection: 4. EBF VZW wishes to inform you that our website may contain links, hyperlinks or references to other sites, outside the management and control of EBF VZW and to which this privacy and cookie policy does not apply. EBF VZW is not liable for the content of such websites to which reference is made, nor for the offers, products or services mentioned on them. EBF VZW therefore advises you to carefully read the privacy regulations of each site you visit. After all, this may differ from this privacy and cookie policy.

Cookie policy What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text and number file that we store in your browser or on the hard drive of your computer. This allows us to remember your preferences when using our website.

Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse cookies, our system will set cookies as soon as you visit our website.

Why do we use cookies?

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to distinguish your usage preferences from those of other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our website and also allows us to optimize our website.

However, cookies and similar technologies do not allow us to systematically collect data that could identify users of our website. They only help us to improve the operation of our website, to understand what the interests of our users and to measure the effectiveness of the content of our website.

Due to recent legislative changes, all websites targeting certain parts of the European Union are required to obtain your consent to the use or storage of cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy gives you clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and their purpose.

Use of types of cookies

EBF VZW uses a number of cookies, which can, if necessary, be subdivided according to their origin, their function and their life span.

First-party cookies are cookies placed by a website that is visited by the user at that moment (e.g. cookies placed

by https://e-b-f.eu/).

Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a domain name other than that of our website visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a third party places a cookie through that website, then this is a third-party cookie (e.g. cookies placed by Google, Twitter and Facebook).
Functional cookies are cookies that ensure that our website functions properly (e.g. cookies for log-in or registration, language preferences, shopping baskets, etc.). Functional cookies are logically first party cookies.
Non-functional cookies are cookies that can be placed for statistical, social, targeting and commercial purposes. They have nothing to do with the purely technical support of our website. Cookies with statistical purposes make it possible to check which pages of our website you visit, where your computer is located, etc. Cookies with social purposes make it possible allow you as a user to share the content of the visited website directly with others via social media. Cookies with targeting purposes allow to build a profile based on your surfing behavior so that the displayed ads are tailored to your interests. Cookies with commercial purposes keep track of how many and which advertisements were shown to a user. Non-functional cookies can be first-party or third-party cookies.
Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on the user’s device for the duration specified in the cookie. They are activated each time the user visits our website which has placed this cookie (e.g. cookies placed by social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics etc). Most non-functional cookies are permanent cookies.

You have the right at any time, free of charge, without delay and within 30 days, to become acquainted with your personal data, as well as with the use that EBF VZW makes of your personal data.

– Right of correction, removal and restriction:

You are free to communicate or not your personal data to EBF VZW. In addition, you always have the right to request EBF VZW to correct, complete or delete your personal data. You acknowledge that in the event of a refusal to communicate or request the removal of personal data, certain services and products will not be available.

You may also request that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

– Right to object:

You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

In addition, you always have the right to oppose the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes. In this case, you do not even have to provide reasons.

– Right of free data transfer:

You have the right to obtain and/or transfer to other responsible parties your personal data processed by EBF VZW in structured, commonly used and machine-readable form.

– Right to withdraw consent:

To the extent that the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent.

– Exercise of your rights:

You can exercise your rights by contacting us to this end, by e-mail to info@europeanbioanalysisforum.eu or by using the contact page on our website, in each case enclosing a copy of your identity card.

– Automatic decisions and profiling:

The processing of your personal data does not include profiling, nor will you be subject to automated decisions by us.

– Right to lodge a complaint:

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, rue du Mail 35, tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail: contact@apd-gba.be.

This is without prejudice to a remedy before a civil court.

If you would suffer damages as a result of the processing of your personal data, you can file a claim for compensation.

Security and confidentiality
EBF VZW has developed security measures, adapted to the technical and organizational level, in order to prevent the destruction, loss, falsification, alteration, unauthorized access or accidental notification to third parties of personal data collected on our website, as well as any other unauthorized processing of this data.
Under no circumstances shall EBF VZW be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the incorrect or unlawful use of personal data by a third party.
You are required to comply with the security regulations at all times and in all places, including by preventing any unauthorised access to your login and code. Indeed, you are solely responsible for the use made from the website of your computer, IP address and of your identification data as well as for their confidentiality.

Session cookies: These cookies allow a user’s actions to be simplified and linked together during a browser session. A browser session begins when a user opens the browser window and ends when the user closes the browser window. Session cookies are placed temporarily. Once you close the browser, all session cookies are deleted. Most functional cookies are session cookies.

Your consent

By using our website, you accept the use of cookies. To be able to use our website optimally, you must accept these cookies. You can do this through your browser settings.

You block cookies by activating the browser setting that allows you to refuse the placing of cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block cookies, you may not be able to access (certain parts of) our website. Please read this cookie policy carefully for more information.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, you must delete your cookies using your browser settings. For further information about deleting or blocking cookies you can visit the following website: http://www.aboutcookies.org/Default.aspx?page=2.

Changing your browser settings

Please note that web browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in the β€˜Options’ or β€˜Preferences’ menu of your web browser. To better understand these settings, the following links may be helpful. If not you should consult the β€˜Help’ function in your web browser for more details.

– Cookie settings in Chrome

– Cookie Settings in Firefox

– Cookie Settings in Safari

– Cookie Settings in Internet Explorer

More information about cookies

Information on cookies

Further useful information about cookies can be found here: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/

Internet Advertising Bureau

The interest group of digital marketers has created a guide about online behavioural advertising and online privacy. You can find that guide here: http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/

Governing law and jurisdiction clause

This privacy and cookie policy is governed, interpreted and implemented in accordance with Belgian law, which is exclusively applicable to any dispute.

The courts of the district of HASSELT have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this privacy and cookie policy.

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